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Food for thought

Leslie Deems

Taoism, pronounced Daoism, is a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in accordance with the principles of nature. The most noted work of literature on Taoism is the Tao Te Ching containing teachings from an ancient Chinese philosopher named Lao Tzu. I personally have found the wisdom of Lao Tzu to increase awareness and appreciation for life process, as challenging as that process may be sometimes.

Marking out the Path

“Tao is pure experience. If we were to take away everything we know-all our beliefs, our ideas and concepts, our memories, our dreams, our desires and troubles-and we were to stand still in the experience of this emptiness, we would have a feeling of what Tao is.”

“To open the door of Tao, is to open yourself to an experience of the way things are. Tao is a way of complete acceptance. No matter how hard you try to make things different than they are, you will not succeed; Tao is the way of letting go of effort.”

Have you ever noticed that when you just take a deep breath, relax, and let go that things seem to fall into place anyway? Sometimes it’s not exactly as you had planned it and sometimes it is, but the point is that it works out! The way of “no effort” in Taoist philosophy is not an excuse to do nothing. It’s a reminder that there are different kinds of effort, both equally important. In the Western world we place an incredible amount of importance on action. But non-action, or wu-wei, is just as valuable. It’s this non-interference that allows things to happen in a completely natural way.

The element of water is an example of wu-wei, unstriving and ever-changing. It is “always benefiting things without claiming credit” and never “contending with creatures.” “It is yielding but persistent, soft but strong.” “In the end water can wear down the greatest mountains and the hardest rocks.”

Ask yourself, in what ways can I practice relinquishing effort? Practice taking a step back and letting go of control so that you may witness how things unfold gracefully in the absence of forcing, pushing, and resistance. Relax into your “beingness” and accept what is occurring in the moment, whatever that may be. I know, easier said than done, but give it a try…you may find beauty there.

2) Taoism, pronounced Daoism, is a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in accordance with the principles of nature. The most noted work of literature on Taoism is the Tao Te Ching containing teachings from an ancient Chinese philosopher named Lao Tzu. I personally have found the wisdom of Lao Tzu to increase awareness and appreciation for life process.

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