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Warm Winter Foods

As the winter months approach, it's important to focus on nourishing, warm foods that can help keep us healthy and comfortable during the colder weather. Here are some examples of foods that are particularly well-suited for the winter season:

  1. Soups and stews: These hearty, warm dishes are perfect for cold winter days. They're easy to make, and you can customize them to your liking by adding a variety of vegetables, grains, and proteins.

  2. Root vegetables: Root vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and beets, are in season during the winter months and make for great additions to soups, stews, and roasts. They're also a good source of fiber and nutrients.

  3. Squashes: Winter squashes, such as acorn, butternut, and spaghetti squash, are a great source of vitamins and minerals, and they can be roasted, mashed, or turned into soups and stews.

  4. Citrus fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits are in season during the winter, and they're a good source of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system. Remember no citrus if you already have existing phlegm.

  5. Hot beverages: Hot drinks, such as herbal tea, warm lemon water (warm water, then add lemon). My favorite now is dandelion tea with coconut milk and raw honey. Raw honey is perfect for any dryness condition: dry cough, constipation due to dryness, dry skin.

  6. Whole grains: Whole grains, such as oats, quinoa, brown rice and wild rice are a good source of energy and can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. They can be used in a variety of dishes, from porridge and salads to soups and stews.

  7. Animal Proteins: Chicken, turkey, and fish are all good sources of lean protein that can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. They can be incorporated into soups, stews, and roasts, or grilled or baked as a main course.

Eating a variety of these foods can help you stay healthy and energized during the cold winter months. Just be sure to also drink plenty of water, as the dry winter air can lead to dehydration.

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